Welcome To GOFAMINT Nyanya. Abuja

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The Church with the word for the world!!!

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The Gospel Faith Mission International (GOFAMINT) Nyanya, Abuja, is the Regional headquarters of GOFAMINT Region 5. The church was founded on the Solid Rock by God and has been in existence in Abuja for over 20 years now and it is situated at Church close, Opp A-Rano filling station, Nyanya. Abuja.

The Regional Pastor is by name Pastor Awodimila Peter Olaolu, the man with the special anointing from God for the word, teaching, deliverance, miracles and so on. He is a full time pastor in GOFAMINT and was posted to the region on 24th February, 2018 and since then he has brought into the region great development spiritually, materially and otherwise, and there has been a great and tremendous growth in the life of all the members. Their testimonies says it all.

Pastor Alfred Adinlewa, is a the resident Pastor of the church. He is the man full of humility and fill with the word in teaching and prayers. He is a part time pastor in GOFAMINT but his work in the ministry is far more than what a part time pastor can do and he has contributed immensely to the growth of the church, spiritually, financially, materially and in all area of the growth of the church.

The GOFAMINT International Office is situated at Gospel City, Kilometer 40, Lagos/Ibadan Expressway, Aseese, Ogun State. While the National Office remains at International Gospel Centre, Ojoo, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State. The general overseer of the church by name Pastor (Dr.) Elijah Abina, is one of the end time God's general of this end time, he has been both spiritual father and moral father for all the member of the church.

Bible Study

Our Bible study service always come up every Tuesday of the week by 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm.

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Prayer Meeting

We always have our Prayer meeting every Fridays of the week by 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm

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December 2018 Camp Meeting

Tagged: Exploit By The Spirit

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December 2018 Camp Meeting



PROPHETIC DECLARATION FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2018 1 Samuel 30:8 And David inquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all. Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. This month is your month of Total Recovery and Restoration Say with me “I will recover all” I decree total recovery for you in the mighty name of Jesus. Every good thing you have lost now locate you in the mighty name of Jesus Supernatural Insight for total recovery is downloaded to your spirit now. The spirit of error and losses are removed from your life. You will not only know what to do at every time you will know how to do it. Cycles of bad decisions are broken forever. Every loophole of the devourer to your life is sealed forever. God restores health to you in Jesus name. Sickness is no longer your portion Your supernatural and physical strength are restored and renewed in the mighty name of Jesus I decree a total recovery and restoration of broken homes, broken relationships and broken marriages. Every prodigal or vagabond child hear the voice of the Lord, you are recovered from the hands of the enemy. Everything the devil has taken away taken away from you is now recovered and restored to you in seven folds in the mighty name of Jesus. I decree a total recovery and sevenfold restoration of your finances. Total recovery and sevenfold restoration of every lost spiritual gift. Total recovery and sevenfold restoration of your marital joy and peace. Total recovery and sevenfold restoration of lost opportunities. Total recovery and sevenfold restoration of your lost investment 16.Your lost job and promotion are recovered now. 17. Your lost investments are recovered to you. 18. Your lost properties are recovered. 19. Your lost seat of influence is recovered to you now 20. Your lost glory is recovered. 21. No more shame in your life. 22. For every delay you have encountered, receive supernatural speed 23. Your wasted years are recovered to you now. 24. Every cycle of misfortune is broken 25. I decree total recovery and restoration to our nation. 26. Emotional restoration and total recovery is your portion 27. Your soul is being restored 28. Receive total recovery from every manner of addiction and bad habit now in Jesus name. 29. No more loss in your life. 30. Grace to be obedient to the covenant provision of tithing to forestall the activities of the devourers receive it in Jesus name. So, shall this month be better than the last for you because the Lord will deal wondrously with you. In Jesus mighty name.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2018 Daniel 1:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. WELCOME TO SEPTEMBER 2018 – OUR MONTH OF SUPERNATURAL EXPLOITS. Get ready to accomplish impossible feats this month as the supernatural power of God, powers you on to great achievements. In the name of Jesus, I launch you into the era of greater works – receive it now in Jesus name. Break through bounds, run through troops, possess new territories, in Jesus precious name. This month mountains will crumble before you. You shall be for signs and wonders. Over that long-standing problem, you will testify. God will strengthen your hands to accomplish great things. Impossibilities will speedily submit to you. Your knowledge of God will increase exponentially. Divine insights that commands exploits are yours now. You will operate in a higher supernatural dimension. Supernatural revelation that causes breakthrough and elevation receive it now. Every debt hear the voice of the Lord, you are a thing of the past. Your misfortunes are converted to fortunes. Where you have failed you will now succeed. The resources to accomplish the dream that God has placed in your heart is released to you now. Covenant helpers of your destiny locate you now. As from now, every good thing will answer to you. God will enlarge your coast I declare you blessed in all things. You shall be strong spiritually, financially, materially, emotionally, physically and socially. Grace will speak for you. Mercy will shield you. Favor will command your undertakings. Your weaknesses are now converted to strengths So, shall you do great exploits this month for the God of heaven will mightily help you and this month shall be a month of reference for you, because the Lord will deal wondrously with you. In Jesus mighty name.


PROPHETIC DECLARATION FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2018 “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” Isaiah 40:31 This month marks the termination of valley experiences in your life. God will take you to a new level in him. Fresh encounters with the holy spirit are your portion Unquenchable zeal and fire for God comes upon you A fresh hunger for holiness and righteous living comes on you now. Total victory over every besetting sin is your portion Your weaknesses are now converted to strengths Spiritually you will soar higher. This month the angels of elevation will locate you. Supernatural promotion is your portion. The revelation for your elevation is now released to you. By reason of this prophetic activation of elevation You will go higher You will see further You will reach farther, in the mighty name of Jesus Fresh revelations, fresh anointing, fresh spiritual gifts, fresh grace, supernatural strength to possess territories for the kingdom comes upon you. You will go higher in your finances In your family life God will take you to another level Your body will function perfectly as God has designed it, no more sickness In the name of Jesus, Students, receive supernatural understanding and wisdom. Embargoes concerning your life are broken. Whatever hinders your elevation in any facet of life, by the power that raised Jesus up, is now destroyed. So, shall this month be a remarkable month for you, for the good Lord will take you to higher grounds and cause you to forget every season of pain and sorrow. In Jesus mighty name.

Our Month of Supernatural Turnaround

PROPHETIC DECLARATION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2018 “But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” 6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink” (Luke 5:5-7). WELCOME TO JULY 2018 – OUR MONTH OF SUPERNATURAL TURNAROUND This month marks the termination of fruitless efforts in your life. The hand of the Lord will turn your situation around. You will no longer labour in vain. Your financial situation is turned around for the better now. Every barren life hear the word of the Lord, you are now a fruitful life. This month God will reveal new strategies to breakthrough for you. You will no longer return from your efforts empty handed. Cycle of poverty is broken in Jesus name Every cycle of pain and tears is now destroyed. Every marital darkness disappears now. Every source of frustration and disappointment in your life is now destroyed. Your net will catch a net-breaking harvest. The yoke of persistent failure is broken in your life forever. An end has come to every persistent sickness. An end has come to miscarriages in your life Terminal illnesses be terminated. Cancerous growth, tumor, fibroid dry up in Jesus name. Our churches will experience a supernatural turnaround Our evangelistic efforts will yield a mighty harvest. Fresh fire of the Holy spirit will break out amidst us Every deadness at the altar of prayer is terminated So, shall this month be better than the last for you because the Lord will deal wondrously with you. In Jesus mighty name.

  • Nyanya-Karshi Road, Nyanya, Opp A-Rano filling Station. Abuja, Nigeria